Termites in Bayside Wynnum

I was in the Brisbane bayside suburb of Wynnum last week.

This home owner was concerned about this mark on her wall behind the door.

She thought, “it can’t be white ants”, but it was time for her annual Termite Inspection any way.  

One of the first things we do when we arrive for an inspection is ask if there are any areas of concern? She was straight to the mark on the wall behind the door.

At first the mark looks like the kids might have flicked some dirt on the wall.

When we look close we can see that the dirt is stuck quite hard to the wall and when we pick the dirt loose, there is a small hole. The hole is joined to another by a tunnel in the plaster board.

Then while we are looking, a termite crawls out of the small hole, and back in again. Yes we have termites!

“But termites don’t eat plaster, do they” She ask?

No they don’t. But they will tunnel through it, just like soil, to get to where they want to go.

In this case the home owner was vigilant, and the damage was minimal. She had the good sense to seek professional advice, and we were able to save her a lot of expense.

We checked out the whole property and this was the only damage that we could find. We were able to treat the active termites and install a chemical barrier (Termidor) to prevent them from coming back.

Call Bill at 3822 6513 or 0412 698 664